

30 Minute Chakra Re-Alignment

Our device preserves and advances the tradition of crystal healing. It utilises ancient knowledge in a unique way and combines it with the benefits of modern technology.

There are 7 precisely polished Vogul crystals in the hanging frame which corresponds to the seven chakras in the body. The crystals embedded in a wooden frame hanging above the massage bed emit coloured light corresponding to the individual chakras.

The chakra re-alignment can be customised to individual needs thanks to its electronics and software.

The treatment can be applied to a single chakra or to all of them at the same time.

The chakra re-alignment can be used to stimulate the meridian and reflex zones as well. You can get into a relaxed, tranquil state of mind very easily. 

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45 Minute Chakra Re-Alignment

Our device preserves and advances the tradition of crystal healing. It utilises ancient knowledge in a unique way and combines it with the benefits of modern technology.

There are 7 precisely polished Vogul crystals in the hanging frame which corresponds to the seven chakras in the body. The crystals embedded in a wooden frame hanging above the massage bed emit coloured light corresponding to the individual chakras.

The chakra re-alignment can be customised to individual needs thanks to its electronics and software.

The treatment can be applied to a single chakra or to all of them at the same time.

The chakra re-alignment can be used to stimulate the meridian and reflex zones as well. You can get into a relaxed, tranquil state of mind very easily. 

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Spiritual Consultation

Providing you with knowledge and tools to help you discover more about a particular situation, emotion, or spiritual matter. Get to know who you are.


Crystal Consultation

Discover the best crystals for healing, and which are suitable for your circumstances or situation. Learn ways to use and connect with your crystals.

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Colour Healing Therapy

A colour is chosen to help create the emotion that you seek. The choice of colour of the light and of the crystal can help bring the energies of that colour to the healing.

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Chakra and Aura Scanning

Aura scanning is seeing or sensing the aura for colour, depth and tears/leakages.


Cord Cutting

Cords are thin, light connections from your chakras to other people and things.
Overtime cords can deteriorate or even worse the people they are connected to are or become toxic. These cords then start to carry negative energy flowing towards you. cord cutting is the best thing to do.


Energy Blockage and Leakage Repair

Energy leakage can cause you distress and fatigue throughout the body.
Energy healing is largely intuitive, a skilled energy worker is able to use extra sensory perception to interpret your energy field and use a combination of energy healing techniques to correct in-balances and restrictions to natural flow of energy 

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